6 Tips to Manage Insulin Resistance

Insulin resistance - it's a term you might have heard somewhere along your health journey. In short, it is a condition where your body’s response to the hormone insulin is “sluggish”, leading to high blood sugar levels. Your body then produces even more insulin to compensate which leaves you with higher than normal insulin. This has a number of knock on effects for your health.

But here's the thing: managing insulin resistance isn't just about diets, numbers and cutting carbohydrates like you may hear in the media. It’s much more nuanced. And any quest to manage this condition shouldn’t feel unsustainable or leave you with a poor relationship with food. So, here are our six top nutrition and lifestyle tips that are a wonderful starting point to avoiding just that.

1. Spread Carbohydrates ACROSS the Day

Instead of bunching carbs into a single meal, aim for an even distribution. This helps steady blood sugar levels, insulin and provides a consistent stream of fuel for you to tackle the day. Bonus tip: reach for high fibre options like whole grains, legumes and starchy vegetables.

2. Avoid Skipping Meals

Maybe it’s just us, but skipping meals (see intermittent fasting) seems to be a glorified shortcut to weight loss. The downside when it comes to insulin resistance? It can make it worse! Regular balanced meals and snacks keep your metabolism humming along and prevent getting so “hangry” you overeat which can spike blood sugars and insulin.

3. Include Protein at Meals and Snacks

Protein isn't just for muscle. It's a secret weapon for keeping you nice and full and stabilising blood sugar levels. So, don’t shy away from adding protein to your meals and snacks. Think chicken, fish, tofu, eggs, legumes and Greek yoghurt.

4. Follow a Mediterranean Dietary Pattern

The Mediterranean Diet is rich in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, nuggets of gold for insulin resistance. These healthy fats can enhance the body's response to insulin, making it a powerful ally against this condition. Brush up your Mediterranean Diet knowledge here and get your fix of delicious recipes aligned with this eating pattern from our ebook The Mediterranean Diet.

5. Prioritise sleep

Quality sleep is crucial for more than just fighting moodiness and fatigue. It is also connected to reduced insulin sensitivity! Aim for 7 to 9 hours of restful sleep each night with the help of these top five tips.

6. Get moving with Exercise You Enjoy

Did you know, physical activity encourages your cells to use glucose more effectively and helps reduce insulin resistance? Plus, it boosts mood, provided you go for movement you genuinely love. Whether it's dancing, hiking or playing a sport, add joyful movement to your daily routine.

Insulin resistance isn't a one-size-fits-all puzzle to decode, and it certainly isn't solved by one-size-fits-all diets. At The Lifestyle Dietitian, we get the complexity of both the science of insulin resistance and the unique challenges your life can carry. Ready to have support towards a healthier, happier, and more sustainable way of living with insulin resistance?

Book an appointment with one of our Accredited Practising Dietitians todaY



Michelle Theodosi