5 Myths About the Mediterranean Diet a Dietitian Wants You to Know

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For better or worse, the health industry is rife with misconceptions. And the Mediterranean Diet being so hotly popular isn’t immune. Yes, Dietitians love the Mediterranean Diet for its marvelous health benefits (read all about this here). But, along with its rise in fame, one too many myths have surfaced that can derail you from its glorious health benefits. So, let’s separate fact from fiction and debunk the most common Mediterranean Diet myths.

Myth 1: Extra Virgin Olive Oil is Unsafe for Cooking

For too long, extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) has worn the label of having a low smoke point and becoming harmful when heated. But, science has now proven EVOO is actually a safe and stable cooking oil. Thanks to its high content of monounsaturated fats and antioxidants, EVOO maintains its integrity at cooking temperatures reached at home. So, feel free to drizzle, sauté, and roast your favorite dishes with this liquid gold.

Myth 2: The Mediterranean Diet is Expensive

It’s easy to associate the Mediterranean Diet with lavish ingredients that break the bank. The reality? It is actually quite affordable. The foundation of this diet includes simple, whole foods like fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, fish and poultry. Go for frozen and canned options (think canned salmon, frozen peas, canned lentils and frozen fish) and don’t neglect generic home brands. That’s right, the home brand grainy bread and canned crushed tomatoes are just as nutritious! Get your budget’s worth of Mediterranean staples with more of our expert budget tips here.

Myth 3: Red Wine is a Necessity

While moderate red wine consumption is common in Mediterranean cultures, it is not a mandatory component of the diet. The real essence of the Mediterranean diet lies in its emphasis on whole, unprocessed foods and balanced meals. If you choose to consume alcohol, moderation is key. Remember, there are plenty of other non-alcoholic options like herbal teas, and infused water.

Myth 4: The Mediterranean Diet is Limited to Specific Cuisines

More of an eating pattern, The Mediterranean Diet is flexible, adaptable and can be applied to most cultural cuisines. The principles of the diet, such as prioritising plant-based foods, healthy fats, and mindful eating, can be applied to diverse culinary traditions. So, whether you prefer Mediterranean, Asian, Mexican or other cuisines, it’s about tweaking your favourite dishes to embrace the core principles. Need inspiration? Our Simple Sesame, Salmon and Soba Stir Fry recipe is a star example.

Myth 5: It's All About the Food, Not Lifestyle Factors

The Mediterranean Diet goes beyond food. The lifestyle behaviours of Mediterranean communities sit at its core. Movement, mindful eating, social connection and sleep are all essential. Incorporating these lifestyle aspects is key to reaping the full benefits of this holistic approach.

Take it from us, these five myths are best to let go on your Mediterranean Diet journey. Ready to embark on this eating pattern in a sustainable way that fits your unique life? Book an appointment with one of our Accredited Practising Dietitians


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Our latest Mediterranean Diet ebook is your one-stop beginner’s guide to eating more Mediterranean. It will leave you confident in taking the principles of the Med Diet and whisking, stirring, simmering them into meals that truly taste delicious.

We gently folded in over 20 Dietitian-curated drool-worthy recipes, covering breakfast, lunch, dinner, dressings and snacks. Then, added a practical snack product guide before garnishing with everyday eating tips and a weekly challenge list to tick off.

Like a cookbook but with a twist. Because each recipe, tip and suggestion is Dietitian-approved and tested.

Michelle Theodosi