How To Set New Years Resolutions That Actually Stick

Lifestyle dietitian, sport dietician, nutritionists, IBS dietitian provide private, personalised nutrition consultation, workshop, presentation. Based in Sydney: North Sydney, Lane Cove, Gordon, Balmain

New Year’s resolutions are notorious for fizzling out by February. And, you’re not alone if you’re tired of feeling flat when your goals just won’t stick. As we step into a new year, let’s explore how you can sidestep this deflating cycle and create resolutions that are not just wishful thinking but actually well, stick.

1. Set small and realistic goals

Small, realistic goals are the bedrock of lasting change. Instead of aiming for monumental transformations, break your goals into achievable mini milestones. Why? Internal motivation only comes after we feel a sense of achievement from ticking off a goal. Once you harness this first bout of motivation, you’ll feel empowered to continue reaching for more.

2. Know your inner “why”

Getting crystal clear on your internal motivators and what is truly important to you is key to sustaining change. Dive deep into your inner “why” behind your goal. Maybe it’s to have better energy levels. To feel more confident. To not have so much mental space taken up by thoughts about food and body. To not feel so out of control around food. Imagine how you will feel and what you would be doing when you reach your goal. Connecting with what lights you up enhances commitment and resilience.

3. Ditch the All-or-Nothing Mindset

Perfection isn’t the goal. Progress is. Adopting an all-or-nothing approach will leave you disappointed and before you know it, abandoning your resolutions. Instead, embrace flexibility and allow yourself room for slip-ups. If you veer off track, acknowledge it, sit with the discomfort, get curious, learn from it, and move forward without self-criticism. Every step counts, regardless of its size. Easier said than done, we know. But this is what our team are experts in and love supporting our clients with when it comes to improving health through food and nutrition.

4. Stay Accountable BY RALLYING Support and Encouragement

Having a support system is a big boost to your chances of success. Share your goals with a friend, join a supportive community, or seek professional guidance (like from one of our Dietitians!) . Accountability partners offer encouragement, gentle guidance, and a sense of responsibility, keeping you motivated and focused on your goals.

New Year's resolutions can last beyond January. And, these four tips will help you get started. But our team of Accredited Practising Dietitians are also here to help implement and imbed these strategies into your unique lifestyle and guide you every step of the way. Ready to make this year about sustainable change and personal growth? Book your first appointment with us today.




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Michelle Theodosi