4 Hacks to Manage Common Gut Symptoms Without Missing Out on Enjoying Food

Picture this: you struggle with bloating, gas, diarrhoea, constipation, gut pain and discomfort. You try all sorts of elimination diets and supplements to get on top of your symptoms. Yet, despite your best (see stressful and expensive) efforts, your gut still seems… well, angry. 

And now it’s difficult to enjoy food - you may even fear it. We know how frustrating this is. But did you know there are management strategies which don’t involve cutting out your favourite foods? Here are four hacks to manage your symptoms without missing out on enjoying food.

1. Practice mindful eating

Mindful eating is all about being in the present moment while eating and paying attention to the taste, texture and smell of food. This helps you slow down while eating, giving your digestive system time to do its job. Eating slowly and chewing well signals to your body to start releasing digestive enzymes and contract digestive muscles in preparation for optimal digestion of food. Mindful eating can also help reduce stress and anxiety, which we know exacerbate gut symptoms.

2. Experiment with portion sizes

Portion sizes can play a big role in gut symptoms. Eating large portions can cause discomfort and bloating, while eating small portions may not be enough to satisfy your hunger. Try experimenting with portion sizes to find what works best for you. It’s important to work alongside an Accredited Practising Dietitian (like our team!) to ensure you are still meeting your nutrient requirements. This is because undereating can trigger your body to “conserve” energy by reducing digestive function. Unfortunately this only worsens gut symptoms!

3. Incorporate movement into your daily routine

Movement can help regulate bowel movements and reduce stress, both of which improve gut symptoms. Even something as simple as a 15 minute walk or a short yoga sequence can make a big difference. Choose movement which feels good and serves as positive self-care to reap the full benefits.

4. Stay hydrated

Drinking enough water is key for getting those regular bowel motions and preventing constipation which can cause an upset gut. As a starting point, try to drink around eight cups of fluid per day, and focus options which are less likely to disrupt digestive function. For example, overconsumption of caffeine, fizzy drinks and drinks with sugar-free sweeteners can create gas and loose stools.

Give your gut some love with these hacks. Your relationship with food will thank you for it. Remember, managing your gut symptoms shouldn't leave you feeling restricted and missing out on delicious food. If getting on top of your gut health concerns is overwhelming, our team is here to understand your unique challenges and concerns and help create a personalised plan. Book an appointment today if reducing your gut symptoms without impacting your relationship with food is your goal.

Michelle Theodosi